
Tuesday 16 April 2013

another new project!!!!

yep i finished another one, well sort of i still need to cover the edges but haven't decided how yet, so as i usually do when something is bugging me i will stare at it until my brain has decided on a plan.  This project started as a way to use up the Graphic 45 film cannisters i had left from store inventory i had the idea but... i did start this project twice before i was happy with the direction i was going. 

i used the film cannister to create depth in the clock face by cutting the lid to reveal the inside, then inlaying the cannister in the clock frame that i build out of chipboard.  Prima Engraver collection and all their new metal embellishments worked perfect for this project.

one side of clock frame only has a half wall, then i created mini albums to side into the empth space. I binded the mini albums with white hockey tape because that was what i had on hand but i should have used black hockey tape.

front view, also had a few packs of Tim Holtz pulleys left from store inventory, so use it for the pendulum, just what it needed for finished look


inside mini- opens to reveal three pages, two with photo flips with tag insert then in the center a layout you just need to add a picture to.  there are two minis both the same idea but with a different center layout and photo flips
this one will be a kit as well but only 6 since i was just using remaining store inventory.  again i am waiting on paper, i will post once available and how to order.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

stacked suitcases

here is the finished product, i used Kaiser Craft 75 cents paper line which is nearly impossible to get right at the moment, hopefully i will have soon and the kit will be available in May.  You can order the kit from my email (check contact infomation) or purchase a Treasured memories in Edmonton, Alberta

finished stacked boxes
suitcase opens from the top then the side flips down
drawers inside to hold bulky items

0.25" depth envelopes that hold 4x6 photos

top suitcase holds a mini album made from file folders, lots of flips and tags

hope you enjoyed.  watch out for kit availability and upcoming kits!