Long time no post- August has been a busy month, first we went camping, then the week after camping is also super busy as you try and catch up at work and home. The last two weeks of August are occupied with visiting my sister in law and her family from Oregon, since they only come up every 2 years we have been having lots of family time. I have been really trying to get into my scrap room, but it just hasn't happened. But check out the fall Canadian Scrapbooker, i finally remembered to sent in submissions and they picked two!!!!

Seasonal Gallery Page 129
also used for the cover page and introduction for seasonal gallery
Urban Scrawl Page 92
a full page and scraps of info
Here's hoping i have time this week to hang out my scrapbook room.
Well deserved my friend...well deserved!! Guess now I have to get to sign my issue!